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Operations In the Spiritual Realm

There is a second heaven which has been identified as the headquarters of evil spirits, whose job is to defy and thwart all good things from happening in people’s lives.

Children Are Your Inheritance

Children are an inheritance, indeed a blessing from God. When properly trained and equipped, God assures us that they will be like arrows, who meet your enemy at the gate.

What is a Christian Parent to Do?

The foremost thing in any parent’s mind should be the protection of their children. This is (or should be) the universal imperative, as far as the survival of mankind is involved.

Vuzu Parties: The Rise Of A Lost Generation

A NEW but horrible phenomenon has swept the country’s second largest city of Bulawayo. Wild parties hosted by youths popularly known as “vuzu parties”,are on the rise, with the teenagers indulging in social delinquency with reckless abandon.

An explanation Of “Vuzu Parties”

A total of 47, 3 percent of teenagers aged between 15-19 years old are reported to be involved in wild parties, where they abuse dangerous drugs, alcohol and perform sex competitions, which they later regret.

Take The War To The Enemy And Re-possess Your Children’s Destinies

Prayer is the first and most powerful tool any parent can use to protect his/her children.


Prayers For Children For –Thanksgiving, Commanding Success and Progress Them

1. Lord I thank you for my children They are the fruit of my womb and therefore they are blessed, thus every satanic plan to curse them is destroyed because no one can curse whom God Has not cursed, in the name of Jesus; (Numbers 23:8)

Prayers For Children For –Thanksgiving, Commanding Success and Progress Them

2. I command the heavenly force of success to fall upon my children, they are the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath, the best and not the rest because they are taught by you and great is their peace in the name of Jesus; (Isaiah 54:13)

Prayers For Children For –Thanksgiving, Commanding Success and Progress Them

3. I command my children to receive the anointing to break every generational curse in our family in the name of Jesus, the anointing of the battle axe, such that the words that I speak they shall speak and the spirit that is in me, is also in them in the name of Jesus; (Isaiah 59:21)

Prayers To Possess Your Children’s Destinies

1. Oh God, you are the one that gave us these children and they are a blessing to us; 2. They are a heritage from you and I am grateful in the name of Jesus

Prayers To Possess Your Children’s Destinies

3. Therefore I call upon the fulfillment of their divine destinies in the name of Jesus 4. They shall become whom you said they should be, and have what you said they shall have as children of redemption, in the name of Jesus

Prayers To Possess Your Children’s Destinies

5. My children shall not cause me any grief, I shall not shed tears because of them in the name of Jesus, because the blessings of God make rich and they do not add sorrow;

Prayers points – Destroy Monitoring Devices

1. I consume by fire, every monitoring devices acting against my children’s lives and progress in the name of Jesus. 2. I destroy by fire, any remote control used to backward my children’s lives in the name of Jesus.

Prayers points – Destroy Monitoring Devices

3. I break in pieces every demonic devices being used to manipulate my children in the name of Jesus. 4. I consume by fire, every monitoring devices acting against my children’s lives in the name of Jesus.

Prayers points – Destroy Monitoring Devices

5. Every remote control trying to switch off my child’ life and keep it in perpetual darkness be completely demolished, in the name of Jesus.